Crew Coordinator


Crew Coordinator app is designed for pilots and dispatchers to easily capture pilots' details and track their availability. Using this app pilots can:- create a personal account in the app- add contact details, availability and number of flying hours- modify informationDispatchers can:- create a personal account in the app- make a search on the existing database of pilots- easily filter who is available and who is notMoreover the Crew Coordinator app:- works offline and online- can be 100% customized to meet your business needs- saves and syncs data across multiple devices- fits both smartphones and tabletsBy downloading, you agree to the Terms of Use at addition to using free Crew Coordinator App version you can get unlimited number of form submissions by subscribing via an optional In-App Purchase and remove all ads by purchasing onetime fee. Subscribe from your device and access these services via mobile app.In-App Subscription Details:• Ad Removal is $0.99 US dollars one-time fee• Monthly Unlimited Form Submission Subscription to get is $11.99 US dollars per month• Annual Unlimited Form Submission Subscription to get is $99.99 US dollars per year• Payment will be charged to Account at confirmation of purchase• No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period• Account will be charged for renewal automatically

380 Lafayette Road, Seabrook, NH, USA
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