Egg Timer Free


You dislike to start your day with a boiled egg that does not fit your desires? Then the Egg Timer application is the perfect solution for you. Based on scientific research and methods it calculates the time an egg needs to reach your desired doneness.Get the free Egg Timer - the only one that can boil multiple different eggs at the same time and uses the Android notification bar to keep you up to date.If you like the app buy Egg Timer Pro which is Ad Free.In case of any issue or suggestion please contact the developer instead of just doing a bad voting!Explanation of needed permissions:Location information -is needed to get the current altitude to calculate the boiling point. At higher altitude the boiling point is lower than at sea level.WakeLock - is needed to keep processor from sleeping and screen from dimming if selected in the options.External Storage - access is needed to store the application configuration so that it does not get lost on application update.WLAN state - is needed to do a better location calculation indoors. Full internet access, Phone state and Network state are needed for ads.

Grundmühle 14, Germany
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