Messe Frankfurt Catalogues


The official Messe Frankfurt traid fair catalogues are also available as an e-catalogue with costs. By purchasing the current edition, you can view the entire catalogue, including the lists of exhibitors and products, on your mobile devices. After downloading, the contents will also be available when your devices are offline. In other words, it is the perfect medium for preparing for your visit to the Messe Frankfurt traid fairs and finding interesting exhibitors. The e-catalogue is published for the following trade fairs: Heimtextil, Paperworld, Christmasworld, Ambiente, IFFA, Light+Building, Musikmesse, Prolight + Sound, Texcare, Tendence, Cleanzone, Nordstil, Techtextil, Texprocess, Automechanika.

Flughafen Frankfurt Main 810, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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