PlusL( Remake Instructions for LEGO )


In +L, there are a variety of design drawings available, which help you to make new things with bricks in your house.Regardless of the original kits you have, you will be able to make something completely new, which includes, not limited to, cars, animals, home electronics, and robots.The design drawings in +L give you instructions step-by-steps; simple and easy!They are also supervised by Jumpei Mitsui.This app is not authorized by LEGO Company, but developed as user innovation by LEGO fans/lovers.You can also post your own design, or so called new model, once you get a certain number of “Like!”.Then, you will be able to sell them, after drawing their instructions.You will receive the portion of sale per the defined terms. So, you could be a +L builder!”Like!” will be counted, depending on the number of download.We hope you can get as many "Like!" as possible.How to Use1. Select the brick set you have.2. Select the model you want to build.3. Download the design drawing/ instructions.4. Let’s enjoy building!

21-9 神田神保町三丁目, Tokyo, Japan
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