Guest Opportunity Log


Guest Opportunity Log is a simple app that allows business retailers to keep track of guests that are interested in buying their products.Features:-Add, Edit, and Delete Guests-Add, Edit, and Delete Opportunities-Add, Edit, and Delete Team Members-Highlight guests by clicking on them-Call Guests and Team Members-Format the date

29220 Felton Avenue, Randolph Township, MN, USA
  • We found this business and added it to MyArea. Please claim it to gain exclusive control over it, Rank higher on Google and attract local customers from among MyArea users.
Click 'Claim' button to become the owner. It's 100% FREE. No commitments, No payments, No credit card required. As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add new information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.
As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.