African Proverbs Daily


Wisdom is wealth! One thing I respect deeply about Africa is the treasure of wisdom our ancestors have handed down to us. From prudent sayings on wisdom itself, to judicious encouragements, warnings and even quirky advice on learning, patience, unity, wealth, poverty, community, family, love and marriage, these quotes will inspire you to be the best you can possibly be.African proverbs are strongly tied to the earth and animals, conveying lessons of life and learning often through daily, seemingly menial, procedures. An example of a Zimbabwean proverb is “there is honey but no bees” — describing a situation when you find something free for the taking and without consequence.African proverbs Daily Cards brings the Wisdom of African Motehr Land to you, in a form of Mobile App, wake up every day, with Eternal Life Changing wisdom, starting today.The app has some nice features: - Browse Dailytunes now & set them as your app tune!- Weekly planner to set different tune for different day!- Set Daily tunes as Ringtone or Alarm Tone!- Share daily card on social network & using other messaging tools- Listen to background music, to create a serene environment- Set an alarm to receive daily quote notification- Add Cards to your favorites- In app purchase (to make the application Ad free)Download Now & enjoy daily bliss!

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