ANYTIMES - helping each other


"Our community, helping each other"ANYTIMES offers a platform where you could meet with your neighbors and help each other through smartphone.◆Introduced many times on Japanese media such as TVs, magazines, newspapers, and internet media.◆What you can do with ANYTIMES◆You can mainly do 4 things with ANYTIMES(1) Ask for your neighbors help by creating task tickets・Want to move furnitures but not to an extent to use moving companies・Want to learn something but going to school is too much・Too busy with work to cook for dinner・Too busy to clean your room・Want to consult with someone about somethingetc...You can ask for your neighbors help in the above case.(2) Apply for task ticket and help neighborsEarn extra money in your spare time by providing help to your neighbors(3) Make money by selling your skills as service tickets ・Want to spend free time more wisely・Want to make full use of skills but no opportunities・Want to make money but need more flexibilityetc...In the case above, you can sell your skills by creating service tickets. Someone might want to try your unique service.(4) Purchase service tickets and experience their unique servicesSame yoga lesson can be different if done by different people. Experience unique service by your neighbors.◆Characteristics of ANYTIMES◆(1) Easy ticket creationYou can create task or service tickets anytimes through web or smartphone.(2) Safe paymentPayment goes through ANYTIMES.It's safer because pre-payment by one user will be paid to another after completing transactions.(3) Evaluate each otherUsers evaluate each other after transactions.The more transactions occur, more reputation you earn.■ Fees■ Basically no fee※No registration fee, monthly fee, posting fee, credit card fee.We take fees only in the following case.・Whenever applicants of task tickets or sellers of service tickets complete transactions: 15% of transaction volume・Bank withdrawal fees: 165JPY(withdrawal more than 30,000JPY:258JPY、for Rakuten Bank users:51JPY)■Contact■Feel free to contact us should you have any questions and so■Official Facebook Page■■Official Twitter Page■■Official WEB site■

MORI Building Digital Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
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