Journeyman Plumber's Exam


A straightforward app helps you prepare for the Journeyman Plumber's Exam. Clean and super intuitive user interface design. Focus on studying, not on how to use an app. No internet connection required. No need to carry heavy books or to print bulky note cards.Journeyman plumber exams are state-specific tests used to assess an individual’s abilities, and to determine whether an individual possesses the skills and knowledge that a state requires to work as a certified plumber at the journeyman level.The exam is mostly made up of multiple choice questions that will include state, federal and local plumbing codes, maintenance and repair questions, as well as your general knowledge of plumbing systems. There may also be a practical, hands on portion where you’ll have to demonstrate your skills using tools and certain plumbing fixtures. However, once your finished with your apprenticeship you should be very well prepared for the exam.Disclaimer:This application is just an excellent tool for self-study and exam preparation. It's not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization, certificate, test name or trademark.

250 Granite Street, Braintree Town, MA, USA
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