Read in Spanish: Un suceso...


If you don’t understand a sentence, touch it and read it in English ‘eBBi Books’ presents a short story with which you can enjoy, study and practice the most important aspects of the Spanish language. The tale, ‘Un suceso en Owl Creek Bridge’ is in Dubbuk format. You know: if you don’t understand a sentence, touch it and get the English integrated translation. A one-of-a kind stuff!. You get: - Text and audio in Spanish - Great quality audio in Spanish from Spain. - Translation of the whole text to English. - Fully illustrated - All Dubbuk features: · Word Reference bilingüal dictionary look-up available for each word. · You can read in two columns, one in Spanish and the other in English. · Listen separately to individual sentences as many times as you want. Practice key aspects of Spanish language for advanced level If you want to refresh and improve your Spanish in a pleasant way If you are looking for a funny text to advance and practice listening Read, in it’s original version, a classic short story that the writer Julio Cortazar included in his selection of ‘Unforgettable Stories’, together with others by Borges, Truman Capote, Poe or Tolstoi. ------------------------------------------------- Author: Ambrose Bierce Translation: María Jiménez Illustrations: Luis Pernía and Enrique Bernal Voice: Miguel Zurita Text and audio: Spanish Translation: English Dictionary: +4000 palabras +35 min of audio Advanced level - Original text Voice in Spanish from Spain ---- ‘Un suceso en Owl Creek Bridge / An occurrance at Owl Creek Bridge’ ---- The text sets off as Peyton Farquar, a Southern landowner supporter of the Confederate cause is going to be hung by soldiers of the Northern Federal Army during the American Civil War.The narrator skillfully takes the reader into the condemned man’s mind in order to describe a delirious escape, his riveting struggle with death and his reunion with life and renewed awareness of every colour, sound and detail. However, what makes ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’ so famous is its surprising and unforgettable end, which calls for a second reading. -------- What is Dubbuk?--------- Books in Dubbuk format incorporate a new technology that allow you to read in Spanish in a comfortable and fluent way, as it integrate text, professional translation, audio and bilingual dictionary. --------- Ebbi Books --------- We publish original and adapted texts in Dubbuk format for different levels of reading. In addition, all our books are illustrated and have a very careful edition

Cuento, Ventosa, Spain
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