EQuality IAS Academy


EQuality IAS Academy is Hyderabad based institute for Civils services, Group-I,II and other competitive examinations. This institute was established in 2011 by like minded strong group of dedicated individuals providing services to the aspirants who wish to become civil servants.With its dedicated efforts institute is able to produce civil servants. We are very much proud to say that Shri. Venkata Ramana Akula, Group -I 1st Ranker is product of this institute. Its an organisation that is dedicated to build the knowledge, skills and character. A dais for Leadership and Empowerment for all, especially the Youngsters.EQuality IAS Academy provides Coaching, Mentoring and Test series facility for both Preliminary & Mains examinations of Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) in both English and Telugu Medium.

Gujarat, India
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