Flower Garden


Play Flower Garden now and join the flower blast adventure in 1700 levels and no lives system in this amazing flower garden with buds blooming and many surprises that will keep you on your toes!Swipe to line flowers in the same color and make them blossom and match with amazing and beautiful petals to solve the level puzzle and advance in the flower garden, play fun and challenging levels with unique elements that have never seen in any other flower game.How To PlaySwipe and match 3 flower buds and make the blossom pop!Match and blast buds of 4 to create blooming booster that clear a line.Blast flowers in L shape and create the blossom bomb that make 9 flower bloom.Swipe the buds in a line of 5 and create the magical colorful flower booster.TipsYou will find many free gift and surprises in the game that will ease your way in the garden of flowers and will help you when you need an extra lift to clear the flower puzzle.Compete in the garden league and win free boosters and coins to upgrade your garden quest.Spin the free blossom wheel and open gift boxes to find power ups, boosters and coins to use along your journey in the flower garden .So what are you waiting for? install now and start your blooming garden quest!

4 Calle Ramon Llull, Sant Jaume d'Enveja, Spain
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