PerSoNClinic ( Depression,Chronic Pain, Cancer)


Are you suffering from Cancer, a Rare disease, Chronic pain, Depression and/or Smoking addiction? PerSoN Clinic is a comprehensive approach to managing your condition using real-time condition tracking, PerSoN Community, a Private Virtual Circle Support System, and a Daily Journal.We are passionate about creating technologies and adopting the latest health sciences to create a world without disease. Our technology is available to any patient around the world FREE. Where ever you are, we want you to connect with your care team and researchers who are working night and day to find a cure for your pain. Track and Share your symptoms with your doctor for better treatment outcomes.PerSoN symptom tracker features the National Cancer Institute Symptom Library (PRO_CTCAE) that has been designed to collect a cancer patients radiation toxicity related symptoms that are correlated with a patient’s quality of life. PerSoN enables you to record and share your daily symptoms, pain and mood so you can have objective conversations with your doctor and care team in order to help them to come up with the most effective treatments for you. Are you suffering from Smoking addiction, let our evidenced based smoking cessation module help you manage your addiction and assist you toward a smoke free life. Are you suffering from chronic depression? PerSoN will help you keep track of your mood and depression in real-time so the next time you see your doctor you can have an objective discussion about your treatment. Download our free app, PerSoN, and invite your support members to be a part of your private Circle Support group and be engaged and proactive about your condition… Participate in the PerSoN Community to share your experience and ask questions with patients like yourself, they may have an answer for you…. and ….Happy Healing . A Note to Caregivers We understand the Caregiver dilemma, Selflessness and continually caring and giving will provide a fast-track to burn-out, personal health problems, emotional anguish, and mental weariness It is critical and essential to support a loved one who is dealing with the challenges of serious illness or treatment. PerSoN clinic empowers Caregivers and support members by creating a virtual care environment that connects Patients and their caregivers in real time. Patients can share their treatment outcomes and communicate within PerSoN directly. Caregivers have access to the PerSoN Community, which are created by people like you - sharing experiences and exchanging knowledge. Asked your loved ones to download the free app and invite you to be a part of their private Circle Support group and start communicating. … Happy Caring

12505 Park Potomac Avenue, Montgomery County, USA
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