Activity Leaders


******NOTICE: This app will be replaced soon along with a new Coach/Activity Leader program. Complete with this app prior to July 8, or use the new app after July 10.******Respect Group has created critical abuse prevention education with the Respect in Sport Activity Leader Program. This easy to use online training enables sport and community organizations to create a safer, more ethical environment by providing essential information to each organization's critical stakeholders.Respect in Sport's 2.5 hour highly engaging training is for Activity Leaders of all levels: recreational, competitive, and elite, with the intention of:-Empowering and educating youth leaders and coaches on the prevention of abuse, bullying and harassment-Building a holistic culture of respect within the sport community-Providing fundamental training tools which enable all coaches and youth leaders to become better role models for the young athletes in their careThe innovative and proven instructional design techniques provide:-A training experience that is simple, to the point, and captivating for the learner-Full database capabilities for user access, as well as certification-Fully accessible for all users regardless of location or internet connection speed-Ability to complete the program offline (w/o an internet connection) using this mobile app-A training experience that takes less than half the time of traditional in class training-Availability at the user's convenience-A consistent, up to date message on behalf of the host sport organizationThe Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program is the program you need to train your organizations' youth leaders to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). It may be the single most important training your leaders can receive to create a safe, healthy, and positive environment for our children and youth!For more information, please visit:http://www.respectinsport.com

1235 Colgrove Av NE, Calgary, AB, Canada
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