Cardiac Arrhythmia Challenge


Test your knowledge and skills in case-based questions for cardiac arrhythmias and invasive electrophysiology!- Novice to expert level - Prepare for board exams (general cardiology, EHRA, IBHRE etc.).- Scroll ECGs, EP tracings, questions, comments etc.- Zoom objects (Tracings, ECGs, radiographs etc.) for better visibility of even small details- Easily go back and forth between different questions and answersCardiac Arrhythmia Challenge is a unique iPad and iPhone application for healthcare professionals involved in the care of patients with cardiac arrhythmias. This app will be of great value (and fun)- for board certified cardiologists to brush up their knowledge- for cardiologists in training- for other healthcare professionals who wish to review and increase their knowledge and skills in cardiac arrhythmias.The free app contains 4 sample questions. Further questions (currently total of 150 questions!) are available as in-app purchase.

Weingartenstraße 29, Dormagen, Germany
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