FAQs in Asthma


FAQs in Asthma provides answers to many of the questions related to the anatomy and functioning of the respiratory system, asthma – its classification, triggers, causes, risk factors, mechanism of onset and progression of asthma, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, complications, and treatment – oral medications and inhalers – providing information on using and maintaining the inhalers, to guidelines to prevent and manage asthma in children and adults. The text is supported by 15 animated videos and relevant images.The animated videos helps in understanding and retaining the information better.The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) series from Focus Medica are extremely useful reference sources designed to enhance the understanding and dispel misconceptions regarding common diseases and disorders. Each FAQ provides answers to the common questions that occur in the mind regarding the causes, treatment, and management of a health condition. Every title is accompanied by captivating and realistic animation videos providing an insight into mechanisms of action in the micro world of the human body and a collection of relevant images.

Answerpal Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India
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