My Expenses Plus - Simple Financial Control


Can not get your bills up? We have an easy way to end this squeeze !!My Expenses Plus is a simple and practical application to keep your monthly financial control. It is only you to launch your receipts and expenses that happen during the month.Initial Screen - is where the expenses and revenues of each month are listed. Lines with a red background indicate that you are behind schedule. The green line indicates that the movement has already been downloaded, that is, paid or received. To do this, you need to click on the line opening the detailing screen, the "enjoy" button indicates the payment / receipt or undo.Movement screen - here is the register of expenses and revenues. Informing the description, value and expiration date. It is also possible to indicate if the expenditure repeats during the months of fixed form (every month) or installment (specific amount of months).Detail Screen - displays the details of the movement. In this screen it is possible to indicate the receipt or payment of the movement and it is also possible to exclude it (from the portion of that month or from all the next ones, when the revenue or expense will not happen). You can also request to edit the expense.Parcel Screen - This screen can be edited for the portion of that month.

106 Rua Edgar Pinheiro, Joinville, Brazil
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