Bodyguard: SIA Close Protection Specialist


Bodyguard: Close Protection Specialist is the world's first bodyguard training app. It acts like an aide memoir providing the knowledge and skills for a SIA Close Protection course delivered by instructors who have worked in the industry for over 25 years and are still actively working around the world today. The app includes downloadable documentation covering all aspects of being a bodyguard. - Roles and Responsibilities - Threat & Risk - Escort Section- Vehicle & Security - Surveillance- Interpersonal Skills- Venus Operations - AbbreviationsWatch professional close protection operatives in step by step instructional videos for hostile environments on foot and in vehicles.- Conflict Management - Individual Bodyguard Drills- Intro to Foot Drills- Embus & Debus Drills - PES Team Drills- Vehicle Search - Vehicle Anti-Ambush - Cross decking Drills- Roadside IED** The Kit bag will be updated regularly with the latest technology and apparel.

101 Rubendall Dr, Liverpool, PA, USA
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