Mind Blowing Hidden Storage Ideas


Mind Blowing Hidden Storage Ideas Making a Clever Use of Your Household Space! Sometimes, you might struggle to find a nice storage place to keep some items around the house and get more organized with the stuff, whereas other times you want to be assured of putting some precious treasure of yours at a place that no one can think of. Whether it’s a floorboard, secret cabinet or just false bottom drawers, having a storage space that’s hidden in sight lets you have a great deal of peace and security. Here are best Mind Blowing Hidden Storage Ideas Making a Clever Use of Your Household Space! 1. Reclaimed Wood Floating Shelves Nothing can be better than the idea of integrating drawers into floating shelves when it comes to making great use of space, while retaining the openness of the room at the same time. How these vertical Reclaimed Wood Floating Shelves make everything seem so chic and minimal is simply awe-inspiring. 2. Unique Hidden Storage Headboard Small bedrooms don’t quite make it well for storage headboards that feature open shelves or slide outs. Bringing a twist to the concept of headboard storage, this one is a unique way to keep your stuff in a hidden storage, as it takes everything behind the tufting and sports hinged upholstered panels to make everything easy and convenient to handle. Surely an amazing do-it-yourself inspiration! 3. Hidden Outlet Wall Safe Sometimes, things small in size can be of great value to us, whether in terms of the cost or the preciousness. This hidden safe that looks like an electrical outlet from the outside but pivots out to work as the perfect storage safe, without the need to resort to any codes or secret combinations. Ideal for hiding all your little precious belongings – jewellery, money or cards. 4. Nifty Niches Bathroom Storage Let the cabinet doors disguise themselves as gorgeous artworks and painting with these Nifty Niches Bathroom Storages embedded inside the walls, that actually are meant to keep the bathroom toiletries, personal care products, towels and much more. In fact, these niches are going to look equally pretty when integrated into a living room. want to know more? for further information and details, download this now and grab what you want. please enjoy this application and give us any feedback.

PT. San Xiong Steel Indonesia, Lampung
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