

The European theme of Chac’Late gives a nod to roots of where chocolate is considered an art form (in countries such as France, Belgium and, of course, Switzerland) but Chac’Late is a unique and extraordinary Qatari brand which is attuned to the sweet and subliminal substance which has been perfected in Europe over centuries of innovation and craft from that continent’s finest and most innovative chocolatiers.AKH has brought to Qatar the finest examples of the king of all sweets, by embracing the European charisma and adding a local touch. The mouth-melting menu brings together first class brands of chocolate from UK, Italy and Switzerland, as well as authentic home-made Arabic flavors.Overall, Chac’Late provides a wide variety of gift boxes and hampers of imported and locally-produced goodies ideal for enjoying on the premises and as a take-away gift for special occasions and loved ones.

17 940, Qatar
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