Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Timesheet


The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Timesheet mobile app enables users to submit and approve timesheet for projects. This mobile app surfaces the timesheet functionality that resides in the project management and accounting area of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, improving user productivity and efficiency as well as enabling timely entry and approval of project timesheets.Key benefits:o Speedy, accurate entry through use of copying from previous timesheets, copying from saved favorites and copying from the employee’s assigned projectso Ability to copy time for a project from one day to the next, enabling efficiency and reducing mistakeso Employees can include internal comments, which would be used to communicate to the reviewer, or customer comments, which will be surfaced on the customer’s invoiceo Reviewers can approve, return or delegate the timesheets to another reviewer

1 Lee High Road, London, England, United Kingdom
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