Client Database


Keep track of all your customers with the new Client Database. Keeps track of all your contact information and with its user friendly design, you can easily and quickly select, add, update and delete customers. Gather clients information using this professional looking app.Includes data fields for:-Name-Client information-Phone Number-Email-Home/Business AddressNever lose track of your clients and always have all information at the tip of your fingers! This is the new Client Database.

965 SW 8th St, Miami, FL, USA
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Click 'Claim' button to become the owner. It's 100% FREE. No commitments, No payments, No credit card required. As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add new information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.
As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.