Finnish in a Month


Our application is a great chance to learn the basis of the foreign language fast and effectively. Unique study method. No more grinding repetitive words translation that will slip your mind soon. You're supposed to figure out the meaning like children learn to speak. They link what they hear with what they see and learn the meaning of each word or phrase comparing the differences between actions or things. Nail down the knowledge that you grasp with the help of writing tasks. The full version offers: - 30 lessons with increasing difficulty levels - 1800 words and phrases voiced by male and female native narrators - over 1500 colorful images There is a free version to try before you buy. It contains 3 lessons: from the beginning, middle and the end of the course. They are given to show the method and the course level that we offer About 5 million people all over the world have already chosen our application as a fair companion. Give it a try too! **Check out FAQ if you encounter any issues: **

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