Osteoporosis Low Bone Density Weak Bones Diet Help


Weak bones and poor posture is a common problem specially in older age people. Fractures associated with bone-weakening condition can be life-altering & threatening too. This app contains information on the bone disease 'Osteoporosis', which is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue, which can lead to increased risk of fracture.Osteoporosis is more common in women. Pregnancy, lactation, menstruation periods and menopause all these are the major factor for the loss of calcium in the body. To maintain the stores of calcium one need to consume diet rich in calcium and for the proper absorption of that calcium enough vitamin D should also be taken.Without enough vitamin D in the body the calcium you eat is not at all playing its role in the body.Besides this one need to cut down the intake of alcohol, smoking, salt and sugar for healthy and strong bones.This app will help you learn about the causes symptoms treatment and the type of diet that one should eat to improve bone density.

Hamax Pharmaceuticals, Ghāziābād, India
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