ExtraView Mobile


ExtraView Mobile is a companion to the web-based issue tracking system, ExtraView. You must have ExtraView installed on your server in order to be able to use this app.ExtraView is an enterprise software platform implementing global quality management systems for CAPA, adverse event reporting, food safety, bug and defect tracking, change management, customer support, helpdesk, field audit, and other workflow or issue management systems. You may use out-of-the-box solutions or implement any custom requirement. ExtraView is available as a service in the cloud or on your own servers.ExtraView Mobile adds to the ExtraView experience by allowing you to use your iPhone or iPad to connect to your ExtraView server. Most functionality available in your desktop browser is available within your mobile devices. Your ExtraView administrator configures screens within the Design Center to display alternative layouts to those displayed in your desktop browser, optimizing the presentation and organization for the smaller sized phones and tablets. You decide which reports you want to make available to your mobile devices and, of course, features such as direct access from email to your issues are supported.You can connect to multiple ExtraView installations within ExtraView Mobile. To get started, there is a new task management app which works as soon as you install ExtraView Mobile. Use this to plan your activities and to keep on track.

100 Enterprise Way, Scotts Valley, CA, USA
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