Egg Timer Pro


You dislike to start your day with a boiled egg that does not fit your desires? Do you want to have a good start in the day with the perfect boiled egg and don’t want to leave this up to chance? Do you wonder why an egg boiled in the mountains needs more time as an egg boiled at sea level? Then the Egg Timer application is the perfect solution for you. Based on scientific methods and with the support of GPS the Egg Timer calculates the time an egg needs to reach your desired doneness.Features- Scientific calculation of cooking time - Selection of egg size, start temperature and altitude calculation via GPS - Expert mode with detailed weight- and temperature selection - Possibility to switch units (Gramm - Ounce, Celsius - Fahrenheit, Meter - Feet) - Supports EU, US and RU egg classes Try the free version first and by the pro version if you like it and want to support the developer. Pro version is Ad Free and supports App2SDRequired rights- GPS/WLAN/Network: Will be used to calculate the geo coordinates. This is used as a basis for the altitude calculation to finally determine the boiling point of the water.- Internet: Will be used to get the altitude for a geo coordinate determined via WLAN and Network position.- External storage: Will be used to store the configuration. This is necessary to keep the configuration while updating the App to a new version.

Grundmühle 14, Germany
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