

MoveSpring is a step and activity challenge platform. Connect a wearable device and compete in step challenges as a group. We offer a variety of challenge modes, ranging from ultra-competitive modes to individual goal-based challenges, and opportunities to compete as a team or collective group.- Leaderboard- Team Leaderboard- Journey- Streak- Target- Group Journey- Stick to it!- Group Target- Group Target FundraiserLet participants use their own fitness trackers. We connect with the following devices: Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin, Wear OS by Google, Withings, Misfit, iPhone 5S+, Android phones, Apple Health, Google Fit, Polar, and Xiaomi. Keeping participants engaged is easy with customizable content, chat, and friends. - Upload content for tips on how to stay healthy, promote other wellness benefits, and post announcements. Our library has hundreds of articles and videos for you to select and schedule.- Group, team and individual chat keeps participants motivated and creates a sense of community.- Keep up with your favorite competitors by adding them as friends and tracking their daily activity.Our simple admin center makes it easy to manage users, create challenges, and run reports. Create challenges in just a few minutes, run reports to highlight challenge superstars, and upload your own content. Our communication templates and sign-ups materials make sure every step of your challenge management is a breeze.Note: In order to sign-up, your organization must purchase a subscription or one-time event. Contact our sales team at or visit our website to view pricing:

1329 W Adams St, West Side, Chicago, IL, USA
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