Pocket Inspections


Pocket Inspections - An essential tool for every engineer!Our application simplifies and facilitates the daily work of engineers by reducing the time required for preparation of the documentation eg. from construction site inspection.We eliminate the necessity of rewriting notes on the computer (by using speech to text dictation) and the need to search and catalog photo documentation. You will save up to 80% of your time.Check how we can change your daily work!How it works?DICTATE THE TEXT AND ADD PHOTOSYou can do a quick inspection or detailed inspection based on checklist. Choose elements for technical evaluation and dictate notes. Take photos and attach them to the inspection directly from your phone or tablet!GENERATING OUTPUT DOCUMENTSend your work to the server, we will generate for you an editable MS Word document containing all the information entered including notes and photosCORRECTION OF THE REPORTCheck and format the document. You can also enter additional information like the building's technical data, legal basis etc. Ready in just a few minutes!

11 Stanisława Skarżyńskiego, Łowicz
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