Cash Register +


New Features:1. Search entries by name.2. Add name ( customer name, ID , table name, etc.) Perfect for restaurants and other businesses.3. _Total_ for all and specific Id entriesNote that this function includes only those entries that were created after this updateWorks with Smartphones and Tablets!Your sales are automatically sorted by date and saved with a timestamp.There are 40 programmable buttons available .Guidance- S +/- create individual entries .- + Program button - Clean remove all entries .- Undo Make last entry reversed .- PAY Clean and Save- ||| Consider stored revenuesDespite careful monitoring of the functionality and the calculations I assume no liability for this app .

Hohenzollernstraße 23, Stuttgart, Germany
  • We found this business and added it to MyArea. Please claim it to gain exclusive control over it, Rank higher on Google and attract local customers from among MyArea users.
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As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.