Elite Military Martial Arts


Now, for the first time, three of the most informative and instructive military martial arts manuals are available together. Great for study and training to enhance your capabilities in defending yourself. It's the perfect set of information to develop superior skills in the martial arts. Fully illustrated too. With more than 600 pages of information about techniques, tactics, training and belt level requirements, this compilation will be your authoritative source for mastering military martial arts.-- Marine Corps Martial Arts Program Manual - Complete and Unabridged-- US Army Combatives - FM3-25.150 (FM21-150) Complete and Unabridged-- Guide to Close Combat - USMC MCRP 3-02B Complete and Unabridged-- Combat alert sounds and military ringtones-- Warrior Wallpaper for personalization of the warrior’s desktop-- More than 600 pages of training information, illustrations and detailed techniques for developing into the highest degree of martial arts proficiencyIncludes a custom selection of 20 military and combat inspired sounds and FX, great for ringtones, alerts and notifications for mobile devices.Professional warrior, or just interested in the martial arts, self defense or hand to hand combat, Elite Military Martial Arts Kit will keep you in the fight!-------NO Ads - NO Spam - NO Worries.Reminder: With so much content, this app may take a few minutes to download. It's totally worth the wait!Function List (depending on your device)-open PDF Reader-Set sound as ringtone-Set sound as alert-Set sound as notification-Set sound for personalized contact tone-Share via email, text, bluetooth-------

806 Murfreesboro Rd, Franklin, TN, USA
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