EvoEnergy - Electricity Cost Calculator Free


EvoEnergy - The free and easy to use energy consumption calculator that helps you to calculate your household electricity cost for running various electrical appliances or devices. And helping you save power consumption costs.Elegant and easy way to calculate the estimated electricity consumption per hour/day/month or year in units/cost and also tells the electricity consumed by each appliance.Main feature :- Support various unit type of power and current (Watt / Kilo-Watt / Milli-Ampere/ Ampere) - Support all current voltages all over the world. (100 Volts to 240 Volts)- Support to save to the list of appliances. - Configurable the currency symbol.- Easy entry values screen.- Allow you to enter the time of use per day by hour and minute.- Allow you to enter the appliance's current rating in Amperes/ Milli-Amperes and power in Watts/KiloWatts.(Some appliances's input labelled in current (Amperage) not power (Wattage))- Instant calculation when entered all required values.- Calculate the result by hour/ day / month and year.- Easy sharing the calculated result captured screen to your friends via email/social/message/etc...---Making a decision to buy a new electrical appliance? Ever wonder what appliance makes up the cost of electricity bill?How much a TV / Refrigerator / Fan / light bulb / Phone Adapter is costing you to operate?Try calculate for the estimate running cost of energy consumption with EvoEnergy app. So you may save a lot of electricity bill.----------------------------------------* No Spyware.* No Spam.* No Phishing.----------------------------------------

102 pattanakarn 61, Bangkok, Thailand
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