Physical Mars


"Physical Mars" is designed to assist telescope observation and imaging of the planet Mars. Martian ephemerides are provided for real-time or a selected date. Mars is illustrated in the form of a mercator map and a 3D globe showing day & night on the planet. Sub-solar and Sub-Earth positions are plotted on the map. Further provided, a view of Mars' elongation with respect to Earth and Sun.Physical Mars comes with a small database of major and popular features, all with images.Since the application uses a hi-res map of Mars, your phone will need some guts (1GHz CPU min.)BEFORE YOU PURCHASE:This application is believed to be reliable and accurate, however, errors inherent to the human factor or operating system implementation cannot be ruled out entirely.1. This application is designed for phones and tablets in portrait mode.2. Please be so kind as to send a report preferably with screen snaps should you encounter any layout issues.3. This application requires Android 2.1 or higher and a display which is to the Android standard.4. Please contact the author, if you have any pre-sales questions.ご購入をお考えのお客様へ、本アプリーに関するご質問は日本語でもお受けしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Okinawa, Japan
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