Revelry - Event Planner


Revelry - Event Planner provides you with ease of mind when planning your next major event! Revelry - Event Planner is a free to use event planning app, allowing you to take back control of the daunting task of event planning. Allow Revelry - Event Planner to track your expenditure, to simplify your guest list, to manage your tasks, as well as show you simple yet powerful overviews of your event.Revelry gives you all the tools you need to plan weddings, parties, as well as birthdays.Features:• Set a budget and be informed about how much you're spending• Add tasks in your to-do list• Have a simplified guest list• Set a venue, a caterer, and a photographer• View a quick to read overview of your event• Intuitive UI, designed with ease of use in mind• Multi-currency supportRevelry - Event Planner is continuously updated to polish and refine the user experience. Think there should be a new feature in the app? Send your suggestions and recommendations to

Barn & Lawn, Cape Town, South Africa
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