

More than 25 programs to manage different health conditions.· Unique programs for combined lifestyle problems like Obesity + Diabetes or Heart Circulatory System + Hypertension.· 3 levels of programs i.e. beginner, inter-mediate & advanced. Each level is meant to be practiced for 3 months, hence, in total, 9 months program duration.· Demonstration Video: These are slow moving videos which pauses at places to make learning easier & faster. Yoga is all about doing the asanas correctly with right breathing technique!· Performance Videos: These videos play at a normal speed & we recommend them to be watched after you have gone through the demonstration videos & learnt the asanas.· Ability to cast the video on Smart TV, so that you can practice the asanas on a larger screen.· Set reminders to perfect your Yoga practice.· The videos indicate contraindication (for your safety). Hence, you can avoid doing such videos.· Videos also mentions the number of times it has to be repeated.· The videos can be downloaded within the app itself, thus saving your data usage, whenever your practice.Multi-lingual: Currently our Yoga videos are available in 3 languages i.e. English, German & Hindi. We have plans to bring in more languages in the near future!

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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