Ian's Laces Lite


Just released for Android, "Ian's Laces" is an awesome collection of shoe lacing methods. Cool, trendy methods. Useful, practical methods. Unusual, special purpose methods. Together they give you a surprising number of different ways to lace your shoes.This "Lite" version of Ian's Laces includes a limited selection of 8 × single-color lacing methods + 2 × bi-color lacing methods for a total of 10 methods.The "Full" version includes 60 × single-color lacing methods plus 7 × bi-color lacing methods for a total of 67 different methods – many with more than one variation. Each lacing method has been meticulously photographed and illustrated with detailed, step-by-step diagrams. Unlike the website, ALL images are included in this app – NO internet access is required.Users of tablets and other high-definition devices will really appreciate the extra detail. Ian has completely remastered all the images at 16× the level of website detail for sharp, clear display on your device.This is the *official* Android app of Ian's shoe lacing information. If you've seen another shoelacing app, chances are that the methods and images have been copied from Ian's website. Buying the full version of this app will actually be supporting Ian – the creator – rather than benefiting some content thief. Plus, the new high-res images are streets ahead of any unofficial versions.Finally, this is the first release of this Android app. Please be a bit forgiving – your patience *will* be rewarded. Ian is now working on adding his similarly awesome collection of shoelace knots – again, remastered in super-high-definition.With "Ian's Laces", your footwear will never be "ordinary" again. And if someone does ask: "How did you do that?", the answer is at your fingertips, not your feet.

18 Carrer Bisbe Torres i Bages, Vic, Spain
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