
ODIGOLIVE is a business app for communicating with the team on the field in a secure and Hierarchical manner. ODIGOLIVE helps engage instantly with distributed work force in any complex boss-subordinate environment from one-on-one, right up to many-to-many format.ODIGOLIVE Allows securely sharing multi-media files in a group without compromising the integrity. On the move Contextual Personalization of files shared, can be done by embedding multi-media remarks instantly.Use ODIGOLIVE FOR- HIERARCHICAL MESSAGING to engage with distributed work force in any boss-subordinate environment- SECURE MESSAGING to share confidential data/media/files with team without leakage- EXTERNAL MESSAGING to connect with suppliers/customers without compromising with it policy- FIELD FORCE TRACKING by instant messaging, task management, attendance management, field productivity management, & location management through geo-tagging - SKILLING & CALIBRATION to calibrate learning through customised content publishing, instant counselling & secure assessment- REPORTING to collect and collate distributed data, maintain audit trails & dashboard for quick decision making- CONDUCTING quick polls and instant surveys - COMPLETE TASK MANAGEMENT of the team on Field

4th floor Off Datapada road, Mumbai, India
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As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.