US Code, Titles 1 to 54 (2019)


United States Code (from Title 1 to Title 51) with 2019 Updates. Complete list of all U.S Codes & titles at one place with out internet access nor any printed books Its a InApp purchase and you can active Titles. List of available Titles: Title 1 - General Provisions Title 2 - The Congress Title 3 - The President Title 4 - Flag and Seal, Seat of Government, and the States Title 5 - Government Organization and Employees* Title 6 (original) - Surety Bonds (repealed) (Enacted into positive law by the 80th Congress in 1947; combined into Title 31 when it was enacted into positive law.) Title 6 - Domestic Security Title 7 - Agriculture Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality Title 9 - Arbitration Title 10 - Armed Forces (including the Uniform Code of Military Justice) Title 11 - Bankruptcy Title 12 - Banks and Banking Title 13 - Census Title 14 - Coast Guard Title 15 - Commerce and Trade Title 16 - Conservation Title 17 - Copyrights Title 18 - Crimes and Criminal ProcedureTitle 19 - Customs Duties Title 20 - Education Title 21 - Food and Drugs Title 22 - Foreign Relations and Intercourse Title 23 - Highways Title 24 - Hospitals and Asylums Title 25 - Indians Title 26 - Internal Revenue Code Title 27 - Intoxicating Liquors Title 28 - Judiciary and Judicial Procedure Title 29 - Labor Title 30 - Mineral Lands and Mining Title 31 - Money and Finance Title 32 - National Guard Title 33 - Navigation and Navigable Waters Title 34 - Navy (repealed all of Title 34 in 1956 when Navy was moved into Title 10 subtitle C) Title 35 - Patents Title 36 - Patriotic Societies and Observances Title 37 - Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services Title 38 - Veterans' Benefits Title 39 - Postal Service Title 40 - Public Buildings, Properties, and Works Title 41 - Public Contracts Title 42 - The Public Health and Welfare Title 43 - Public Lands Title 44 - Public Printing and Documents Title 45 - Railroads Title 46 - Shipping Title 47 - Telegraphs, Telephones, and Radiotelegraphs Title 48 - Territories and Insular Possessions Title 49 - Transportation (enacted into positive law in stages; Title IV in 1978, Title I in 1983, and Titles II, III, and V-X in 1994) Title 50 - War and National Defense Title 51 - National and Commercial Space ProgramsKey: CFR Codes, laws, law ,statutes, CA,TX,NY USA Code

101 A St, South San Francisco, CA, USA
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