BlackBerry Workspaces Dynamics


BlackBerry Workspaces is the most secure way to access, share and control critical documents wherever they go: on any tablet, smartphone, web browser or PC. BlackBerry Workspaces for Android equips you to work on all of your Workspaces-secured and synced files on your Android device.BlackBerry Workspaces for BlackBerry Dynamics is designed to work specifically with BlackBerry Dynamics Secure Mobility Platform enterprise environments. Key features include:- Access, manage and view your files wherever you are working- Sync file versions across authorized collaborators and devices- Save files, folders or workspaces for easy offline viewing- Check-in/check-out documents, enabling users to collaborate while avoiding conflicts- Annotate Office, PDF and image files with comments, drawings and highlights- Edit Microsoft Office documents online and offline( Note: You must have a valid license in order to access BlackBerry Workspaces. Contact to verify. )Terms of service:

219 Jackson Ave, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
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