Period Tracker: Ovulation, Menstrual Calendar


Periods usually arrive once each month, but the exact date, flow, cramp severity, and accompanying symptoms are not quite that consistent. For this very reason, the app market is flooded with period trackers that aim to offer insight into your monthly cycle.Bleeding occurs every 28 days for the majority of women, but it is common for the menstrual cycle to be either shorter or longer in duration and for bleeding to start anywhere from day 21 to day 40.Period length may also vary and last for 3–8 days, with an average of 5 days. Bleeding is often heaviest on days 1 and 2 and starts to become lighter thereafter.Tracking your period can be useful for several reasons. Period tracking can help you to get to know your own body and cycle and observe any symptoms — such as mood swings or headaches — that may occur during a particular phase of your cycle.Period tracking can help to identify any changes to your menstrual cycle that may be an indicator of potential health issues. Furthermore, using period tracking apps can tell you when you are likely to be most fertile if you are avoiding pregnancy or trying to become pregnant.There are hundreds of apps that track and analyze the menstrual cycle, so how do you know which one is the best fit for you?FREE PERIOD DIARY & OVULATION CALENDAR & FERTILITY CALENDAR (CALCULATOR) FOR WOMEN AND TEENS • Easy way to track period, moods, health symptoms, weight, temperature, weather, notes, medications and pregnancy• Lists of past and predicted period and fertility periods• Analyze your current and past cycles, menstrual flow with the menstrual tracker• Get predictions for upcoming periods, ovulation days, and fertility with the period calendar• Track basal temperature with the period calendarDaily period log with detailed tracking• Daily photo taking to remember each day• Custom symptoms and moods• Graphs for fertility, temperature, weight, moods and symptoms against the period days• flip through the screens to read entries as a health diaryREMINDERS• Schedule reminders and get notifications of your period, ovulation days and fertility• Get reminders to log weight, sleep and to drink water every day• Get reminders on medication and contraception depending on your contraception typeMake this calendar the perfect period tracker for girls and teensDisclaimer: Period Tracker period and fertility forecasts may not be accurate and should not be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. To forecast ovulation Period Tracker calculates 14 days before the projected start date of one's next period. Forecast accuracy depends on a number of factors including how regular one's cycle length is, when one actually ovulates during the cycle, and how many periods have been logged in the app. Anxiety, stress, diet, nutrition, exercise, environment, medications, age and other factors can also affect one's cycle from month to month. By downloading this app you agree to the End User License Agreement at

312 St Louis Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, USA
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