Crystal Oracle - Advices & Future


You are looking for the truth, but all you can find is uncertainty… “Shall I ring him?”, “Is he in love with me?”, “Is she thinking about me?”, “Is this the right time?”★ So many simple yet crucial questions slowing you and your projects down, scared to make the wrong choice and afraid of the unknown. With Crystal Oracle, turn your Android into a virtual crystal ball and find out what your Future holds! ★Original medium used by clairvoyants since the dawn of time, crystallomancy remains a popular and powerful method of divination. Crystal Oracle is the first app able to faithfully transpose this type of divination through 4 original consultation methods.Your future can be seen in the crystal… It’s time for you to find out the Truth...Features: ★ 4 types of consultation: by irradiation, physical contact, vibration and respiration (depending on your phone) ★ Simple and intuitive use★ Clear and detailed answers ★ Smart design

25 Allée Pierre Ziller, Valbonne, France
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