Purse Power


Purse Power allows you to shop, buy and save the best products from women-owned and women-led businesses near you. With every purchase, 20% of the profits go to helping battered women shelters and empowering domestic violence centers with the resources they need to succeed. Your purchases will inspire young girls to create their businesses someday, create a level playing field for women in corporate America, and provide a platform for women-owned and women-led businesses to connect and grow.Business owners: with Purse Power, we help you reach more customers and expand your business by sending you more leads and customers. With a Purse Power listing, you will start seeing more retail and online customers walk through your doors. This means more revenue for your business. Now you can reach women around the World who have trillions of dollars in purchasing power. That's Purse Power. Come join us and let's make a difference. Can you imagine a World where women and girls are safe and equal? We imagined this World and made it a reality.Purse Power has built the largest database of women-owned and women-led companies. Now, through our shopping app, we highlight these companies for you to show you not only which companies have the best products, but also display companies that fit our strict criteria:Run by a woman CEOAt least 50% women-ownedHas 20% or more women on its boardNow is your chance to make a big difference. Shop, buy and save with Purse Power's app today. ...And if your business is not listed on our App, get your Premium listing at PursePower.com.

1304 Briar Wood Drive, Edmond, USA
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As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.