

ISN’s mobile app provides customers access to its online contractor management platform, ISNetworld, via smartphone and tablets, anywhere an internet connection is available. Hiring Clients can confirm a contractor’s compliance, add evaluation reports and access OQ and TQ reports via their mobile device. Contractors can view their scorecard and requirements by Hiring Client, provide their employee ID and barcode for scanning as well as read important bulletins and messages from their clients within the app.Features• Hiring Clients can search for contractors and view their company profile and scorecard• Contractors can view their scorecard and requirements by Hiring Client• Evaluation reports can be added and viewed • Contractors can access their employee ID and barcode for scanning• Bulletins and messages can be read and searched• OQ and TQ Reports are accessible by Hiring Clients and contractor customersThis mobile application maintains the same strict security measures of the desktop version of ISNetworld. This app is available for actively subscribed ISNetworld members.

3550 East Kiest Boulevard, Dallas, TX, USA
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